Happiness Formula

First, understand that you are already creating your life and contributing to how the world is. Like gravity, the laws of creation are functioning just as they are meant to. It is up to you to pay attention so you can consciously create what you want in your life and in the world. The Happiness Formula is easy to understand and easy to implement in your life.

  • creative potential

    You have the power to be a Master Creator

    In spiritual belief systems, one concept remains at the core of every teaching: the power of creation. We all possess the ability to shape our reality, manifest our desires, and live a life in alignment with our highest purpose. At the heart of understanding the power of creation lies the recognition that we are co-creators with the divine.  Accepting that…

  • Dance With Life

    Embracing Pragmatic Idealism

    At its core, Pragmatic Idealism teaches us to expect the best and to let go of judgment and criticism. Instead of labeling things as right or wrong, good or bad, it urges us to just accept them, and expecting the best eliminates worry. We then cultivate a deep sense of compassion and acceptance towards ourselves and others. A Pragmatist accepts…

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    Your eMotions are your Animating Current

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  • Fun is Fundamental

    Playfulness is vital

    As part of the Happiness Formula, play is about how you move through your life more than a singular activity. If you have read and have an understanding of the other ingredients, this one will be easier for you to ‘get.’  The importance of play and playfulness cannot be overstated. The value of play/playfulness cannot be overstated as a necessary…

  • Life Is What you decide it is

    Find Your Happy Zone and Make Happiness a Habit

    It is physically impossible to get angry, fret, stew, or worry when you choose to be joyful? And that if you choose it often enough, it’s impossible to be broke, sick, lonely, or confused? It’s that simple. Choose Joy. Choose to feel at peace. Choose to feel happy. Choose to feel content. Choose to feel untroubled. Choose to feel fortunate.…

  • be brave and fly

    Fear to Radical Trust

    In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing. — Theodore Roosevelt How you react when you meet a challenge or indecision in your life will define who you are and what you choose next. How you…

  • Baby Steps

    Take Action!

    Baby Steps are fine. It’s amazing how far you can go just because you took that first step. Move in any direction that feels right. You don’t need to see the complete path, just the next step. In fact, it is better if you don’t sit and wait until you can see how it will all work out. Just take…

  • splash puddle

    When Sh*t Happens

    It is a certainty that bad, mad, sad stuff will happen in your life. If you have been living in Your Happy Zone for a while, you will find that the Mad and Hurt stuff only affects your animating current for a matter of seconds, if at all, because you will recognize it for what it is and not let…

  • Allow the Magic

    Allow The Magic

    Allow the Magic is about accepting that we are the Creator of Our Reality, whether we do it consciously or not. The goal is to not only be Conscious Creators but Master Creators. We are meant to Dance through life! “When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor. It’s to enjoy each step…