Fun is The Secret to Happiness

I call myself a Happiness Facilitator, and I often talk about being in your Happy Zone, The Happiness Formula, and Happiness as a Habit, but what is happiness really?

Happiness is not an intention

Happiness is not an event

Happiness is not something to strive for

Happiness is not something you “work on”

Happiness is not a calculation. You won’t find it on a list or a spreadsheet

Happiness is a result of being playful and having fun

Have Fun and Happiness will find you

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to radiate happiness? It’s not just good luck or a sunny disposition; it’s fun! Fun is the secret to happiness.

The value of fun cannot be overstated as a necessary ingredient for your happiness because Happiness is a byproduct of Fun.

Fun isn’t just about laughter or games; it can be as simple as enjoying a good book, going for a walk, or cooking your favorite meal. It’s the moments that make you smile or chuckle, like catching an unexpected sunrise or sharing a joke with a friend. When you recognize these tiny moments, you can see how fun surrounds you, waiting to be embraced. When this recognition happens, you understand that playfulness and fun are about how you move through your life and not any singular activity. That is when Happiness becomes a Habit.

Discover the joy of simple moments, learn how to make Happiness a Habit, and change your life forever.

It is physically impossible to get angry, fret, stew, or worry when you are being playful and having fun? And that if you focus on fun often enough, it’s impossible to be broke, sick, lonely, or confused?

It’s that simple. Just have fun… Have Fun and Happiness will find you.

So, how do you sprinkle this vital ingredient into your everyday life?

Find What Sparks Joy

What brings you joy? Is it painting, playing an instrument, or dinner with friends? Once you identify what excites you, incorporate those activities into your routine. It’s like finding treasure in your own backyard!

Set Fun Goals

Just like you set goals for work or health, set some for fun. Try one new activity each week or plan a monthly outing with friends. Creating a roadmap for fun can turn spontaneous joy into planned excitement. Trust me; having something fun to look forward to can work wonders for your mood.

Create a Fun Environment

Surround yourself with things that spark happiness. Fill your space with colorful decorations, cheerful music, or even photos of great memories. A vibrant environment can lead to vibrant experiences. It’s like planting seeds in a garden—you’ll be amazed by how much they grow when you nurture them.

Start Fun Friends & Family Traditions

Traditions don’t have to be serious! Create quirky traditions, like “Silly Hat Saturdays” or “Dance-Off Wednesdays.” These little habits create joy and form bonds that last a lifetime. Plus, having something unique to look forward to makes the everyday grind feel lighter.

Seek Out Awe and Wonder

Studies have found that wonder can enhance our creativity, improve our problem-solving abilities, and boost our overall satisfaction with life. When we are in a state of awe, we become more open-minded, more willing to explore new ideas, and more likely to engage in prosocial behaviors. Wonder also has the potential to reduce stress levels, increase resilience, and improve our relationships with others.
By embracing the wonders of the world around us, we can tap into the transformative power of wonder and create a life filled with a deep appreciation for the extraordinary. Get ready to embark on a journey of awe-some living and discover the wonders that await you.

The Empowering Nature of Fun

Making fun and wonder a part of your daily life is not just about feeling good in the moment; it transforms your overall outlook. Fun is liberating. It empowers you to approach challenges with a fresh perspective. Imagine facing a tough day filled with stress but knowing that a bit of fun awaits; it’s like carrying an umbrella on a rainy day.

Incorporating fun and Wonder into your life doesn’t have to be a chore. It can be as effortless as flipping a switch. You’ll weave fun into the fabric of your daily routine by recognizing moments of joy, setting fun goals, creating a lively atmosphere, and involving friends and family. So go ahead, have fun, and watch your life transform into a vibrant tapestry of laughter and happiness. Fun is not an option if you want to live a happy life because happiness is a byproduct of fun.

HAVE FUN and Happiness will find you

Fun is Fundamental

Surround yourself with things that bring a smile to your face. It might be a painting, a photo, a scarf, a rock, or even a piece of string. It can be anything. The piece’s importance only matters to you and only works if it feels like fun and makes you smile.


Look around you for things to be joyful in: the sun through the trees, a passing hummingbird, your favorite smell, the green grass, the moon on the water, a cool breeze, a warm fire, hopscotch, jumping rope, giving a smile or getting a smile at the grocery store.

Smile for no reason. Look for ways to give and get smiles. Sing along to your favorite music. Dance the chicken dance.

The more you concentrate on fun, the more you will live in a zone of happiness.

When in your happy zone, you will feel incredibly peaceful and happy. Initially, this might be completely unfamiliar to you, but the more you focus on having fun, the more familiar living in your happy zone will be. Without giving a thought to being happy, you will be happy.

We are naturally supposed to have fun with life and reside in our happy zone.

The value of play/playfulness cannot be overstated as a necessary ingredient for your happiness and success. The trick is to understand how it feels when you are engaged in play. Fun is often seen as a frivolous pursuit, but it is so much more than that. It is a catalyst for creativity, enabling us to think outside the box and develop innovative solutions. When we engage in enjoyable activities, our brains release dopamine, a neurotransmitter that fuels pleasure and motivation. This chemical reaction boosts our mood and enhances our cognitive abilities, making us more alert, focused, and open to new ideas.

We can harness the power of fun to maximize our creativity and productivity? It starts by recognizing the importance of play in our lives. Embrace your inner child and allow yourself to explore, experiment, and take risks without fear of judgment. Engage in activities that bring you joy, whether it’s doodling, playing a musical instrument, or solving puzzles. These moments of play will stimulate your imagination and help you break free from the constraints of routine thinking.

When you do the dishes, relax and just do the dishes. Don’t think about not liking to do the dishes, don’t think about how long it is taking, don’t think about what you have to do next, just contentedly do the dishes.

The opposite of play is not work. It’s depression.

Play Is Vital

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, and sometimes your smile is the source of your joy.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

Research shows that we are designed by nature to flourish through play. Play is not just joyful and energizing — it is deeply involved with human development, intelligence, and well-being.

Most people grossly underrate the importance of play and playfulness to our success and happiness. Have Fun and Happiness will find you.

Play is not just something you should do when on vacation. Play every day, and you will enjoy life more and feel less stressed.

Play is a biological imperative that is as crucial to our health and well-being as sleep and nutrition. Finding your Happy Zone is what the play in the Happiness Formula is all about. The more you follow the formula, the easier it gets. It may sound like a lot right now, but it is really very simple and effective.

The importance of play is also not a new concept. Science repeatedly shows that play nourishes our minds and souls like food nourishes our bodies. The importance of play and playfulness cannot be overstated.


“The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct.”
~ Carl Jung

You need individual activities to engage your mind and refresh your soul. These activities are not the same for everyone. Find what is stress-free for you. What engages you? Knitting? Cooking? Horseback riding? Painting? Music (listening or playing)? Walking? Reading? Writing? Polishing the silver? Golfing? This needs to be YOUR idea of what feels fun/nourishing, not mine or anyone else’s! Remember to Have Fun and Happiness will find you.

Fun is different for everybody

What is play for one person may be pure unhappy stress for someone else.

Cleaning the house can be play. What is play for you may be the opposite of play for someone else. If you feel good and enjoy it, that is a good sign that it is play for you. If it is stressful, it is not play for you. What is play for you is for you to decide for yourself. The more playful you can make your everyday activities, the easier it becomes to Walk in Joy.

Playing, having fun and being in your Happy Zone is how you live your best and happiest life.

Happy Zone