Your Emotions Write Your Story


eMotion is Energy in Motion

Whatever you FEEL right now is what the universe will think you want more of. eMotion is Energy in Motion and is how you manifest what you want. Your eMotions are the current that writes your life story. You will have heard repeatedly that what you think is what matters. I am here to tell you that it is not the words but the emotion behind the words that matter. In some cultures calling a woman a cow is worse than calling her a bitch. The feeling behind the word is what matters.

Animating current

Whatever emotion you are feeling is Soul Energy. This Soul Energy is the power you use to manifest your reality. 

“Thoughts that are oriented to the past and the future serve only to restrict and limit the amount of animating current that is available to vitalize your expression.” —Ken Carey

I would say that if you dwell in the past, you stay in the past’s energetic manifestations. If you dwell on future wants, you push your desired manifestation away and instead manifest a state of not manifesting.

Said another way, “Someday,” “Tomorrow,” “I want,” “I will,” NEVER COME. Your emotions/feelings are the energy of God, yourSelf, The Universe, and Everything. This energy is always right here, right now.

You create your reality every moment of every day, and you can do nothing to change that. Whatever emotion you feel the most is what the universe/God thinks you want more of and what you will get back 10 fold.

You can consciously create the life you want by paying attention to how you feel. The more moments you feel happy/content/peaceful/joyful/abundant, the more the universe will ensure you have more to feel happy/content/peaceful/joyful/abundant about.

Happy/content/peaceful/joyful/abundant is a bit cumbersome, so I’ll just call it your Happy Zone. The more your energy/emotions are in your HappyZone, the more of everything happy/content/peaceful/joyful/abundant you will have in your life. You just need to Stay Alive, Pay Attention, and Have Fun.

Surround yourself with things that bring a smile to your face. It might be a painting, a photo, a scarf, a rock, or even a piece of string. It can be anything. The piece’s importance only matters to you and only works if it makes you smile. Have things around you that will help you be in your Happy Zone for more and more of your day.

Your goal is to fill your life with the eMotions you want more of.

Life Is What you decide it is

Stay Alive, Pay Attention, and Have Fun.

And remember: Perspective is a big part of it:

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” Albert Einstein

Have Fun

Laugh. Play. Dance. Smile. Celebrate Life